Things to Know as a Business owner or Self-employed
We make it so easy for you to file your individual tax-self-employed tax 24/7. We give you same day appointment, no waiting for a week. All it takes is just dial our customer service number at+1 802– 393-9507 to get things started. That is it!
Small Business Owner
As a small business owner, you can find small business forms and publications on the IRS website. Click here
Self-Employed Tax
Who is Self-Employed?
Basically, you are self-employed if any of the following apply to you.
A) You carry on a trade or business as a sole proprietor or an independent contractor. You are a member of a partnership that carries on a trade or business.
B) You are otherwise in business for yourself either being a part-time business.
Note: As self-employed you are required to pay estimated tax quarterly and file your annual return. Visit the IRS website to learn more about Self-Employed Tax Obligations. Or Click Here