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Retire Young Today, live Happy life & Die with Zero Balance in your Bank Account

Retire Young and Die with Zero Balance in your bank account by using Peter Deng’s formula.

When we are young, our parents teach us how to be good people inside and outside the community. They teach us to go to college or university and get that piece of paper. And there is nothing wrong with getting that piece of paper but whether that piece of paper truly opens the door of success for you or not, I will leave it to you to answer yourself. However, we all know that education is a key to a good life as Englishman put it. I get it and I am not disputing the truth to it. When we go to college or university, professors teach us textbooks and textbooks and never have a real formula on how to become successful and retire happily at an early age.

We are taught to work hard, hard and harder but we are not taught the formula of healthy life and happy retirement. All we learn from our parents and schools we go to is work, work, work and work. I get it. We all need to work in order to survive and I got that too. The question I kept asking myself before I became a successful businessman was. Is working hard and more hours going to make me retire happy or is there something else that the rich man knows that I don’t?  Asking myself this question everyday for a period of two months led me to establishing this formula which people now call Peter Deng’s Formula. 

In life, there is time for work, time to retire and time to die. Many people in the world nowadays get into their retirement age and right there begin to wonder how to survive if they leave the workforce. This simply happens because they have not been taught the formula. If they knew Peter Deng’s formula 20 years ago they could simply look forward to their retirement time with excitement and not a miserable look on their faces.

I think by now you are wondering why I am not showing you the formula quickly so that you can start. Here we go. 

Retire Happy, retire young, Live Healthy life and Die with Zero balance. Let us say that you are now 30-year-old and planning on retiring at age 65 and you are going to live about 85 years. God bless you with a long life but that is if you live in Western world, or you happen to be blessed in Africa or any other developing nations. Here we are going to use your monthly expenses and we are going to multiply that amount by 12 months and multiply the result by 5.5% (multiply the result by the number 35 years you are waiting to retire + 20 years you expect to live after retiring from the workforce. Multiple the final result with the 12 magic number and you will see what you need to retire at your given age. This will give you the amount of money you need to retire happily and die with zero balance. This may sound complicated or not but in a real sense, it is a very simple and life changing formula that everyone should use. It work like magic and the beauty of it, it is very simple to use. Anyone can apply this formula and it works.

Child Tax Credit

The side effect of the advance Child Tax Credit payment
As the Coronavirus hits the universe, the world leaders and normal citizens scramble in circles not knowing what to do or where to go just like a poor fly in the closed bottle. Companies begin to shut their doors, people start quitting their jobs or being let go by the employers for the fear of catching Covid-19. People stayed home more and that meant more food was consumed. As people began consuming more food, the savings account began to run out of money especially in America. People begin to leave from hand to mouth. To make the matter worse, American people are not good at saving and therefore, were hit harder by the Covid-19. The citizens didn’t know where to begin, the only way out was to start yelling at the government for help not knowing that their government is still in debt with the Chinese government. But, nevertheless, the government issued three stimulus checks to the people. Thanks to former President Donald Trump who put people and small businesses first. 

One would think that three stimulus checks were enough for people, well it wasn’t. It in fact activated what I called the mentality of wanting free money while using covid-19 as the reason for wanting more money. The demand for needing more and more money on a monthly basis grew and the best thing the government could do was to fool the taxpayers by paying the Child Tax Credit in advance instead of waiting until the tax file time. Smart technique, I call it. The families have been happily collecting their Child Tax Credit advance payment without thinking that they are eating into their tax refund in advance. This is something hard for the taxpayers to understand right now because their government plays a smart game on them but will all surely understand in this upcoming tax season.

This Child Tax Credit advance payments that taxpayers have been collecting is going to affect the refund amount families with children usually expect or supposed to get during the tax file season. The government is way smarter than you “taxpayer” and knows what is in the cup. Instead of giving you free money like what other governments in developed countries have been doing for their citizens, the U.S. government decided to pay you your tax refund in advance to make you feel that your government cares about you. For sure the government cares about you but the bottom line is that you are not going to be super happy in the upcoming tax season. But don’t worry if you live in Vermont, Peter Deng Tax Service has already figured out everything for you and is ready to get you your big refund as usual.

Now that you know you have been eating and continue to eat into your future tax refund you may need to plan carefully especially if you don’t have access to Peter Deng Tax Service or any other good tax service. The good news is Peter Deng Tax Service’s office can help you still get your normal refund or even bigger refund if you live in Vermont where Peter Deng Tax Service office is located or you are able to connect with us at www. peterdeng.com or Stop by at 139 Elmwood Ave, Burlington, VT 05401 or call 802-393-9507. Come back again for articles related to tax and finance.  

Invest Now not Later

Your future depends on what you do today. It doesn’t depend on what you will do tomorrow. Making an investment is not an easy task, it takes time, energy and off course the little money that you would like to grow to make more out of it.

Before you get in the game of making an investment, investing in companies you got to study thoroughly who you are and why you are a person that people see and know by a given name. Focus on changing your money handling habit and learn to be open and honest to those who lent you their hard-earned dollars. The number one major problem as to why many failed in making an effective investment is all due to the lack of self-train plus poor money habits.

Many people failed to invest before they even open their wallets, why? Simply, they fear losing not knowing that fear of losing is the number one thing that is keeping millions of people around the world in poverty line.

Good habits to start investing now and earn much later are:

Spend from what you have not what you don’t:- When your goal is to save enough to generate enough for the future, you must learn how to spend money wisely. Let’s say, you get paid $10 per hour and you work 40 hours a week. That meant $400 a week before taxes, social security and Medicaid is taken out. Let’s keep it simple by saying that, all these deductions will take $100 leaving you with $300 which is not bad at all but you are basically a survivor. Question everyone struggle within this situation is. How can we start saving giving this small amount? A well, Praise George the author of the book “Mastering Money” stated well “Start with what you have from where you are.” One doesn’t need to earn more to start investing. With the $300 left in hand before food kick in. You can spend $50 on food and invest $50 in what I call smart technique. You can start investing your money by lending to friends who have jobs but happen to have unplanned visitors show up for a visit. Have the friends return the money with $10 on top after two weeks or $20 on top after one month. This is what I call a simple smart investment technique that works very well. It worked in developing countries so well, so I don’t see the reason why it wouldn’t work in America. Stop eating outside a lot. Buy and make your own dish. This will save you more money.

Fix investment amount: – have a fixed amount that you want to invest on weekly basis, put away that amount and never be tempted to touch, even if you have nothing to eat, find the other ways to get something to eat.

Befriend with successful folks: – avoid wasting your time with unsuccessful people or else you will end up like them. Change your life slowly by associating yourself with doers.

Buying home could also be a good investment. Home appreciate in value from time to time and that make it a long term investment.

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Article by Tax and business Expert Peter Deng, MSA, MBA

It is Tax Time Already?

Yes it is tax time already and we at PDG Tax Services understand that feeling. Worry that you may owe IRS big money and not to mention the state. It is a stressful feeling but we are here to erase off that feeling of stress. We are not experts in Agriculture or food but we are experts in Accounting, Taxes and finance. No one likes to deal with income taxes other than us. crunching numbers is in our DNA. As our founder stated “I love dealing with accounting and finance numbers more than anyone that I know. Dealing with numbers makes me feel good and most importantly when the customer leaves my office with that big smile. That one alone means the entire world to me.” When tax season comes we find ourselves in the world of confusion with so many people saying they are good at doing income tax returns, others acting as middlemen plus the big tax companies that are there to make a profit off taxpayers.

It even gets harder when you don’t have a good experience to choose the right tax preparer. Often people ended up making bad choices by going to the big tax companies that charge too much or go to people who are less experienced in the tax accounting field. But when we take our time, make right decision and go to our own community professional tax preparer such as Mr. Peter Deng of Amaga Group & PeterDeng Tax Service, we save money and time not like H & R block that charged too much. In addition to all of that, Amaga Group & PeterDeng Tax service office is open 24/7 during tax season and even after tax season. So make right decision this year and let Amaga Group & PeterDeng Tax Service handle your tax preparation. Don’t go to those less experienced guys with only few weeks of tax training or big giant tax preparation companies. Why waste your time and money when Peter Deng of Amaga Group & PeterDeng Tax Service is right here for you 24/7?

Here are two good things as to why you should do your tax this year with Peter Deng of Amaga Group and Peter Deng Express. PeterDeng Tax Service/Amaga Group is the only tax service in the area that provides customers with 2 to 3 options to choose from

A) Have him come over to your home and get your tax done at your own comfort.

B) Come to his office and get your tax done.

C) Third option, you can make an appointment any time of the day or night. And yes Peter means it, any time of the day or night. For the busy individuals, Peter Deng is a perfect tax preparer for them. Example, let say you are only available at 12 middle through 3:00am and you would like to make an appointment for 2:00am to get your tax done. It is guaranteed Peter will get your tax done at that time. Imagine, calling one of the big tax companies or those who say they know how to do tax and ask them to give you appointment for 2:00am and see what they are going to say back to you. Their responses will shock you.

Now you know. What’s the problem, Amaga Group is here! Let Amaga Group & PeterDeng Tax Service take away the tax stress from you this tax season and be stress-free.

Amaga Group, the company with tax preparers you can trust. Consider it Done.Build Wealth.See You Smiling


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I used Peter Deng Express to send money to my family members in Kenya and Uganda. And I have been us... Read more...

Daniel makuei

Peter Deng’s tireless efforts on behalf of orphans in South Sudan is inspiring and important. He k... Read more...

Eileen & Paul Growald

Peter is a great model to understand the ability of the human spirit to overcome adversity! Facing a... Read more...

Ernie Pomerleau

Wanna done tax refund then go to peter deng,he is friendly and really helpful guy doesn’t take a m... Read more...

Kezang Tmng

Peter Deng provides excellent tax preparations and I highly recommend his service to all in Burlingt... Read more...

Mohamed Abdi

One of the best tax services known so far and the accountant in the area. Best business advisor. i h... Read more...

Toran Dulal

Fantastic guy who puts his customer before anything! Very friendly and a wealth of knowledge!... Read more...

Umesh Acharya

Absolutely blown away by the experience. Peter was extremely knowledgeable and helped us out tremend... Read more...

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