Six ways you are poor today or about to become very poor.

Six ways you are poor today or about to become very poor.

1. Overspending. Poor people spend more than they earn. They borrow money they can’t even afford to pay back but keep borrowing at nonstop speed from the banks and their friends. Some even borrow from their employers to maintain their flirty or illusion lifestyle. They are always good at talking highly about their education and achievement. And you know one thing they are very good at. Shop more than twice a month and use their credit cards to buy everything they want. If you are one of those who spend credit card money every time you want to purchase the product that you wish, then you need to know that you are surrounded by poverty. It is time to break away from it before it buries you deep.
2. Nonstop complaints. These groups have an attitude and mindset that is good at complaining. They blame their poverty on the government, bad friends, bad parents, wrong partners, racism, and a bank that refused to lend them money. They complain a lot about the system. My friend, if you find yourself complaining of being controlled by poverty, then I have a message for you. Poverty goes to where it has been invited, and richness goes to where it has been invited. Everything depends on how you use your mind. Use your mind wisely, and you will get rich before you know it.
3. What I earn is too little. I can’t save anything. I heard this story every week. I get paid $1,500 every two weeks, my monthly rent is $1,200, and I must send money to my relatives in my country of origin. I can’t save anything. The truth is that they avoid saving because they need to learn how money grows. Colleges and universities have failed these groups by not teaching them the fundamentals of financial freedom and how to get there. The reality is that colleges or universities are not the best places to learn good financial skills or knowledge. Let’s get back to our figure above. This individual makes $3,000 a month but can’t save $500. The problem here is not that there is not enough money to save, but this individual is avoiding saving and trying to find a way to depend on himself for not saving. Such people need to understand the expenses they spend their hard-earned dollars on. They also need help understanding the importance of saving. They need to learn when it comes to budgeting.
4. Sleep for long hours. For these people, everything is in God’s hands. East African people will say, “God knows what I will eat tomorrow.” These groups prioritize sleeping for long hours. What is the point of getting up early when there are no mosquitoes and no ongoing civil war? They wake up only when their belly is bothering them.
5. Prioritize weekend entertainment. Nothing is more important than attending weekend parties and enjoying free things with this group. They watch too much television and enjoy their favorite dance. To them, this is a time well spent, not time wasted.
6. Spend their money on stupid things instead of investing– Poor people like to show up. They spend their money on nonsense things without reasoning. Things such as marriage competitions, wrestling completion, wedding competitions, and party dressing completion in an indirect way. This is very bad, and it is worse when you look at it in an African way, especially those from East Africa. These people see spending money on things such as getting married to many wives as a significant future investment. This is very interesting. How does buying a person who will increase your monthly budget become a tremendous future investment? It is not an excellent investment but a significant liability instead. But if you are a rich person in your society and can view it as a fantastic investment for 30 years later, then no problem.  

What is Asset Vs. Liability?

Asset vs Liability

It’s a common misconception: many people mistakenly label certain purchases as assets when, in fact, they are liabilities. Let’s delve into this further.

1- New Car.
2. House
3. New Boat
This is to mention a few things people spend their hard-earned dollars on. A new car is a liability, not an asset because you will keep maintaining it. A house that you made a down payment for $100,000 and still have the mortgage to pay off in the next 30 years is also truly only an asset if it is a rental property and you are making money from it. If the house is not a rental property, it is only an asset once you pay it off. The mortgage company owns This asset by name, and you are just leasing from the mortgage for the next 30 years. When it comes to the issue of the boat. You have to maintain the boat to keep you safe in the water.

For instance, if you have $100,000 in cash, investing this money first might be more beneficial. Use the profits from your investments to fund your desired purchases. This way, your wealth can continue to grow while you enjoy the fruits of your financial prudence. Are you one of those people who spend their money on liabilities, thinking it is an asset? If you are, then the team of experts at PD Group can help you get out of the mess.

Retire Young Today, live Happy life & Die with Zero Balance in your Bank Account

Retire Young and Die with Zero Balance in your bank account by using Peter Deng’s formula.

When we are young, our parents teach us how to be good people inside and outside the community. They teach us to go to college or university and get that piece of paper. And there is nothing wrong with getting that piece of paper but whether that piece of paper truly opens the door of success for you or not, I will leave it to you to answer yourself. However, we all know that education is a key to a good life as Englishman put it. I get it and I am not disputing the truth to it. When we go to college or university, professors teach us textbooks and textbooks and never have a real formula on how to become successful and retire happily at an early age.

We are taught to work hard, hard and harder but we are not taught the formula of healthy life and happy retirement. All we learn from our parents and schools we go to is work, work, work and work. I get it. We all need to work in order to survive and I got that too. The question I kept asking myself before I became a successful businessman was. Is working hard and more hours going to make me retire happy or is there something else that the rich man knows that I don’t?  Asking myself this question everyday for a period of two months led me to establishing this formula which people now call Peter Deng’s Formula. 

In life, there is time for work, time to retire and time to die. Many people in the world nowadays get into their retirement age and right there begin to wonder how to survive if they leave the workforce. This simply happens because they have not been taught the formula. If they knew Peter Deng’s formula 20 years ago they could simply look forward to their retirement time with excitement and not a miserable look on their faces.

I think by now you are wondering why I am not showing you the formula quickly so that you can start. Here we go. 

Retire Happy, retire young, Live Healthy life and Die with Zero balance. Let us say that you are now 30-year-old and planning on retiring at age 65 and you are going to live about 85 years. God bless you with a long life but that is if you live in Western world, or you happen to be blessed in Africa or any other developing nations. Here we are going to use your monthly expenses and we are going to multiply that amount by 12 months and multiply the result by 5.5% (multiply the result by the number 35 years you are waiting to retire + 20 years you expect to live after retiring from the workforce. Multiple the final result with the 12 magic number and you will see what you need to retire at your given age. This will give you the amount of money you need to retire happily and die with zero balance. This may sound complicated or not but in a real sense, it is a very simple and life changing formula that everyone should use. It work like magic and the beauty of it, it is very simple to use. Anyone can apply this formula and it works.

Invest Now not Later

Your future depends on what you do today. It doesn’t depend on what you will do tomorrow. Making an investment is not an easy task, it takes time, energy and off course the little money that you would like to grow to make more out of it.

Before you get in the game of making an investment, investing in companies you got to study thoroughly who you are and why you are a person that people see and know by a given name. Focus on changing your money handling habit and learn to be open and honest to those who lent you their hard-earned dollars. The number one major problem as to why many failed in making an effective investment is all due to the lack of self-train plus poor money habits.

Many people failed to invest before they even open their wallets, why? Simply, they fear losing not knowing that fear of losing is the number one thing that is keeping millions of people around the world in poverty line.

Good habits to start investing now and earn much later are:

Spend from what you have not what you don’t:- When your goal is to save enough to generate enough for the future, you must learn how to spend money wisely. Let’s say, you get paid $10 per hour and you work 40 hours a week. That meant $400 a week before taxes, social security and Medicaid is taken out. Let’s keep it simple by saying that, all these deductions will take $100 leaving you with $300 which is not bad at all but you are basically a survivor. Question everyone struggle within this situation is. How can we start saving giving this small amount? A well, Praise George the author of the book “Mastering Money” stated well “Start with what you have from where you are.” One doesn’t need to earn more to start investing. With the $300 left in hand before food kick in. You can spend $50 on food and invest $50 in what I call smart technique. You can start investing your money by lending to friends who have jobs but happen to have unplanned visitors show up for a visit. Have the friends return the money with $10 on top after two weeks or $20 on top after one month. This is what I call a simple smart investment technique that works very well. It worked in developing countries so well, so I don’t see the reason why it wouldn’t work in America. Stop eating outside a lot. Buy and make your own dish. This will save you more money.

Fix investment amount: – have a fixed amount that you want to invest on weekly basis, put away that amount and never be tempted to touch, even if you have nothing to eat, find the other ways to get something to eat.

Befriend with successful folks: – avoid wasting your time with unsuccessful people or else you will end up like them. Change your life slowly by associating yourself with doers.

Buying home could also be a good investment. Home appreciate in value from time to time and that make it a long term investment.

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Article by Tax and business Expert Peter Deng, MSA, MBA